New Doors

At our last two churches, Kate had been locking the bathroom doors (with no one in the bathroom) about a half dozen times during each service. We’ve been in our new place since November and she’s done this a little bit, but has all but given up on it recently. Thank God. At home is a different story, of course. She locks the door to the 1790 house dozens of times a day. Same with the master bedroom, the latter very often with Cathy in there. This Cathy doesn’t seem to mind so much.

We are used to the ways of autism on Autism Hill, but church congregations tend to be filled with a bunch of people who lock doors when they have to and don’t when they don’t. Although they’ve been very patient about Kate’s door thing, and most know where the little screwdriver to unlock the door is, Cathy and I are grateful for this backing off. Now if Kate would just stop relocking the refrigerator while we’re making supper!

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