Hidden Scissors

Premeditation is tough to prove in court, and even tougher on Autismia. Cathy has some of her sewing stash locked away in the master bedroom rather than with the sewing machines in the dining room (which does double duty as a sewing room). Recently while Cathy and Kate were in the shower, Luke took and […]

Soft Pretzels, Anyone?

I grew up in Philadelphia, which is known for a few things beyond Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. One of those is soft pretzels. Soft pretzels are still relatively inexpensive there, and are one of the main reasons I had to leave the City of Brotherly Love in 1985. If I stayed, I’d weigh […]

4th Meal

There was an advertisement for a fast food place a few years back that hit on the idea of them being the perfect place to get that ‘fourth meal” of the day. To my knowledge, Kate never saw the commercial, but recently she is very bought into the idea. After what I thought was our […]

Mr. Undo, Part II (or is this Part III?)

I wrote previously about Luke being the personal undo key for Cathy and me since pretty much the late 1980s. And it continues to this day, or to Tuesday night, at least. I think I mentioned before that our house is over 200 years old. After the January electric bill was more than either car […]


Prior to becoming an Orthodox Christian, I hadn’t ever come across the word “ineffable.” In the spiritual context, it implies an idea so sacred, it can’t be expressed with words. But there is a mundane definition of ineffable as well, usually when the experience or notion is so profound, words don’t quite do the job. […]