Shoving and Jamming

Luke has been putting away his own laundry for around twenty years, at least since he was a teenager. There were a few spans when we had to lock him out of his closet and bureau so he wouldn’t cut or tear up most of his clothing, but that isn’t what I want to write […]

1000s of Kisses

I asked Cathy recently how many times more she thinks we’ve each kissed Kate than we have each other. Her reply came quickly: “Thousands.” I was thinking at least “hundreds,” though it is true we are obliged to kiss Kate several times every day, while (I’m sorry to write) I can’t even remember the last […]

Dreaming in Pictures

The other night I heard Kate moaning in her sleep. It was the moan she uses while awake when something is going on that she doesn’t like or wants me or Cathy to change/fix for her. So I wondered if she were having a dream possibly that wasn’t going her way. Temple Grandin has written […]

Pee in the Night

Pretty regularly the past couple weeks, Luke has been urinating in his clothing then soaking everything in the bathroom sink. He finishes by transferring the soggy mass to a 5-gallon bucket for me or Cathy to find/deal with in the morning. Cathy suggested that with the bucket bit, Luke probably thinks he’s helping us out. […]