An Uneasy Normal

Cathy and the kids return from East Tennessee today and Autism House apparently can hardly wait. I’ve unconsciously locked the pantry twice yesterday and the refrigerator once. This morning, I just locked the laundry room even after telling myself I don’t have to lock the laundry room. It feels odd being normal, even weirder than […]

Autism Abhors a Clean Toilet

Every time Cathy and I clean one of the toilets, they are quickly befouled. Sometimes by the next time we look at them. Granted, it took a long, long, long time before Luke and Kate even bought in to using the toilet. So I’m not complaining. They just don’t ever bother to flush and both […]

The Day is Over Just as it is Starting

With the change in weather, Kate and Luke have been waking up early. The other morning, Kate came out of her room before Cathy even went out to tend to the outside animals. Cathy was standing next to me in the office, and we both reacted with some sardonic version of, “Oh great! Kate’s up.” […]

Peace and Tranquility

Luke and Kate awoke about the same time Cathy and I did this morning. That makes for a hard day, with no early solitude to prepare and brace for the autism. So I got Kate to take a shower with me and Luke, even though she had just taken one with Cathy. After we were […]