Pieces of Doorknob and a Bed of Nails

The events in this post happened almost six years ago. Although I knew as they were happening it was going to be a funny story later, I haven’t gotten around to writing it until now. And it’s not because I was waiting for it to seem funny. In October of 2018, Luke was hospitalized for […]

Deconstructing Hamburgers

You would think anybody would know how to eat a hamburger, even someone with autism. But no. Brace yourself for this: both Luke and Kate eat them vertically rather than horizontally. That is down from the top, and not counting the bun (or even eating it, in Kate’s case). Kate eats only the meat, and […]

Low-Maintenance ‘Do

Kate picked out a new hair style. I wanted something low-maintenance, and narrowed it down to three that would be likely for her straight hair from the book Great Clips keeps in the waiting area. Among the first two choices, she tapped on this one. Between it and the third choice, she pointed to this […]

Soap Dish Victory!

This is what victory looks like on Autism Hill: I bought this soap dish a long time ago, intending to dart it to the mirror in the main bathroom. Which I did, only without getting Luke’s or Kate’s approval. Every time I would go in the bathroom after that, I’d find the soap pieces around […]