No Fun While Kate Sleeps

When Kate decides she’s tired and needs to go to bed, the other three of us apparently go into some state of suspended animation. It seems she can’t live with the fact that we’re doing anything, especially something fun, that she might miss. This has been true most of her life, but her coercion has […]

The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me

I usually write about Luke or Kate (or both) in these weeklies. But today is Cathy’s birthday, so I’m turning to her. A while back, she gave me a multi-tool (knife, file, pliers, even claw hammer). It had wooden panels on either side and on one side was engraved “You are the best thing that […]

Luke’s Sonograms

I didn’t get to add a weekly entry yesterday because at the time I would have been writing, I was watching a student ultrasound tech and her co-op supervisor slide a slimy wand around Luke’s belly and ribs. His doctor, physician assistant truthfully, was concerned about his elevated liver function, so we were referred. It […]

Luke’s Work is Never Done

Whenever Luke is getting to us with a new twist to his routine, I tend to say, “Move on to the next thing, Luke.” Cathy often cautions me against this, reminding me that the next thing may be something I like even less than the current processes. And so, it is. For the past few […]